Improving digital capacities

Representatives of HEIs attended a seminar on the ESC ACADEMY PRO project in Prague

On February 16, SK RVŠ, as a partner in project in ESC ACADEMY PRO project was held at the Charles University in Prague.

This seminar was another activity SK RVŠ organised within the ESC ACADEMY PRO project and was attended by more than forty people from universities all across the Czech Republic, especially students and staff of foreign and IT departments. 

During the seminar, the participants were introduced to the European Student Card and the experience of its implementation and issuance at the Czech Technical University in Prague, the functioning of Erasmus without papers at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Erasmus+ App.

Throughout the day there was also plenty of space for discussions, experience sharing and networking among the participants. We thank all participants for their participation.

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